Celestial Weather


A Weekly Astrological Forecasting Show

The focus of the show is to discuss the current astrological influences and how we as humans can learn, grow and align with these influences in good ways. We talk about potential difficulties and opportunities for growth provided by the planets, along with self-care strategies for coping with the astrological weather. I acknowledge that life is not often easy, and there are some situations that astrology cannot aid. However, I hope the show is an inspiration to all who listen. I certainly find joy in creating it every week.

Also, I was recently interviewed on my friend Sue Minahan’s radio show Talk Cosmos on KKNW 1150 am Seattle. We talk about Uranus entering Taurus, some major themes of the 7 year transit, and the myth of King Minos and the Minotaur, Ariadne, and Europa. Listen to the show on the archive here.


Latest Show:

April 22nd 2019: Yes, it has been a long break since the last episode of this show was released. But I’m back to talk about Uranus in Taurus and the Saturn/Pluto/South Node conjunction. This week starts off with the Sun conjoining Uranus in Taurus bringing themes of creation and ethics in creation, liberation of stagnant energy and a burst of new energy as this is the first Sun/Uranus conjunction in Taurus since Uranus moved into Taurus last year. Pluto stations retrograde this week on the 24th bringing a heavy energy linked with loss, release, and purging. We spend a lot of the show talking about grief, loss and the historical significance of Saturn/Pluto conjunctions which happen every 33-38 years. This show has some major insight into my own relationship with death and the wisdom that death offers. The week ends with Mars squaring Neptune, which might bring us into conflict with our own illusions, dreams, mirages. This can be very draining as we may be pulled into psychic battles or challenges in the dream world.


Past Shows:

Aug 20th 2018: As the eclipse cycle comes to a close and two visible planets station direct, the energy of the week is of integration, tying up loose ends and beginning to move forward again. This week we see Mercury station direct on the fixed star Acubens, the alpha star of Cancer. This calls us to mental regeneration, renewed insight and the power of a fresh voice. We also see Mars station direct on Aug 27th which will bring an end to his two month retrograde period. Listen for a message from the fiery planet regarding willpower, boundaries, and assertive force moving forward. The Full Moon in Pisces on Aug 26th brings a soothing, restorative energy as its ruler Jupiter forms a trine aspect to the dreamy Neptune; an interesting time to gaze the mirror.

Aug 6th 2018: This week we see Venus move into her home sign of Libra, bringing equanimity and productive social exchange. Mercury is revitalized in the heart of the Sun bringing insight and inspiration. Uranus stations retrograde on Aug 8th, calling us to enter into creative chaos and listen for moments of ingenuity. A partial solar eclipse on Aug 11 reveals the shadow, obscures the light and allows for the shifting tides of consciousness to realign and reform themselves. The eclipse in the sign of Leo calls us to remember our heart and consider what right leadership means to us. The strength of personal emanation can be difficult or obscured, but as the forces of seen and unseen within the heart shift and meet, a gateway to a new way of moving in the world opens. Join me and a special guest this week!


July 30th 2018: In this show we look at the eclipse on July 27th and do some decompressing around its meaning. I talk a lot about my own personal insights I received around the days of the eclipse many of which had to do with release and surrender. We also talk about the creative forge of the body, the devouring aspect of the goddess, releasing ego attachments and connecting with the divine spark within. Mercury stationed retrograde on July 26th, which gives us three weeks of internal reflection – it looks like a pretty benign Mercury retrograde with some wonderful aspects to it. Jupiter enters into its last quarter phase which provokes us to reflect on the growth of the last 9 months.


July 16th 2018: This week we see Mars cross the South Node of the Moon calling us to witness the shadow or hidden roots of courage, fear, destruction and peace. It calls us to cut through the illusions within ourselves and the world around us. This was a more meditative show than usual where I give voice to spirit around some of the lessons of Mars. Because of this, there are some long pauses. Some of the guidance received was to remember the force of destruction within, to acknowledge and accept the force of destruction in the world, and to accept the guide of destruction as a teacher in peace; these things will allow us to love the world with greater depth.


July 10th 2018: This week we see Jupiter station direct; listen for a message around belief, faith or fellowship. Jupiter on the fixed star Zuben Elgenubi sets the stage for social reform for the rest of the summer. We check in about Mars retrograde with it moving out of bounds; we talk about giving in and stoking the flames of willpower. The partial solar eclipse on Thursday calls us to a depth of emotion and ecstasy; time to speak to the inner guide, that one who has been hidden for a long time. Finally, Venus just entered Virgo calling us to nourish our bodies and digestion, and there will be a beautiful Venus Moon conjunction on Sunday.


July 2nd 2018: This week we see a Mercury/Mars opposition on the nodal axis, which calls us to find power in our words and use our voices to fight; the quality of the fight is up to you. Keep your eyes on the shadow. We also talk about a grand water trine with the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune stirring emotion, imagination and adding some needed cooling. On July 10th Jupiter stations direct which calls us to bring all we have learned about Jupiter in Scorpio forward into our lives; this change in direction could bring a needed boost.


June 25th 2018: This week we see Mars station retrograde, calling us to deepen into our relationship with power, courage, aggression and anger. We will walk with this energy for 2 months. This is a turning point in the red planets cycles, willpower stands still for a moment, and we are confronted by the warrior.  We also see a Full Moon conjoined Saturn which calls us to inner stillness, evaluation of integrity, and the responsibility of our work in the world. Later in the week as Mercury moves onto the North Node we are called to speak our truth, while watching the power of our words.


June 18th 2018: This week we see an intense fixed cross, which brings a lot of fire and change. Mars on the South Node is still bringing up the shadow of aggression and a need to purify aggressive impulses into courageous action. Venus on the North Node calls us to grow our hearts and our ability to bring warmth and vitality to others without succumbing to shadowy power dynamics. A grand water trine calls us to hopes and dreams and to attend to our inner soul life. Mercury comes out of the beams of the Sun and conjoins Sirius, a star linked with Isis and the renewal of water; this brings clarity of mind, fertile power, and as Bernadette Brady says, “finding the sacred in the mundane.”


June 11th 2018: New Moon in Gemini on the fixed star Bellatrix; Neptune stations retrograde; Mercury enters Cancer; Venus enters Leo. This week is sort of mashup of a lot of different influences, the most important being the planet of dreams and illusion standing still. We talk a lot about illusion and reality; how we fall into illusion as people and how our souls depend on these illusions. The New Moon is square Neptune and we talk a lot about the significance of Bellatrix and the shadow. Mercury makes some very important aspects that calls us to both great creative insight and responsible implementation.


June 4th 2018: Full Moon on the fixed stars Aldebaran and Antares; Mars crossing the South Node of the Moon, Mercury in the Heart of the Sun square Neptune. In this show we unpack the meaning of two fixed stars connected to the last Full Moon on May 29th; we talk about integrity and passion. We also talk about the need to burn off fear, anger, resentment, and egoic attachments to heroism in order to more fully embody heart-centered courage. We talk a lot about the communal aspects of courage and heroic action, especially service oriented action. This energy will walk with us for the whole summer. And then we talk about some of the important messages we may receive this week under the Mercury cazimi.


May 21st 2018: Jupiter trine Neptune; Full Moon in Sagittarius; Mercury opposite Jupiter. This show we talk about the affirming and moist qualities of Jupiter and Neptune that open us to social, mystical, artistic, and personal cohesion. I share some personal experience of Jupiter in Scorpio and it’s ability to affirm the possibility of entering into another person’s dark recesses to meet secrets, trauma, joy and light. We also talk about the seeker’s path as shown by the Full Moon on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis.

May 14th 2018: Uranus enters Taurus; Mars Square Uranus. This show is a bit intense as we are talking about some of the collective and political trends of Uranus in Taurus. We also talk about some tips for coping with the energy; mainly the energy of intense creative release. Mars/Uranus can bring an unleashing of vital force, anger or physical expression.


May 7th 2018: Mercury conjoins Uranus and Squares Mars. We spend the show talking about the intense build-up of energy this week, release and expression. Mercury/Uranus/Mars calls us to forceful vocal expression, and creative outbursts and destructive tendencies. We talk about how to utilize the creative forces and harness it for good.


April 30th 2018: Full Moon in Scorpio. We spend the show talking about the myth of Taurus from greek mythology, how it ties in with Scorpio, Venus, the Moon and Mars. This is the myth of Europa, King Minos, Ariadne, Asterios the Minotaur, and Theseus; the White Bull showing up in all of their lives.


April 23rd 2018: Mercury square Saturn; Mars conjoined Pluto. This week is a continuation of the energy of the past few weeks. We talk about work, ethical work, rest and contemplation. We talk about Mercury’s aspects over the next few weeks, and the importance of voicing the shadow, difficult conversations and self expression. We talk about journeying to the underworld, the shadow of competition and passion, reclaiming courage. There is so much focused around the integrity of thought and work; the courage to show up to the things that really matter. We must also honor silence and incubation when the work does not flow freely. Around the end of the show, we talk about how to befriend the malefics, Saturn and Mars. The Full Moon in Scorpio on Sunday April 29th will largely be keyed into the Mars/Pluto conjunction and Saturn, so much of the discussion about working with the malefics will be applicable to the Full Moon.



April 17th 2018: Venus Moon conjunction on April 17th, look to the western sky after sunset; Mercury stations direct and squares Saturn; Chiron enters Aries; Mars conjoined Pluto. This week is very much centered around work and labor; there may be difficulties and blocks to projects, but there is a lot to be learned around proper process. We are pulled to access a deeper source of power and learn about our secret motivations for doing things. Power and fear are major themes this week as we explore our work, work ethics and ability to manifest in the real world.


April 9th 2018: Venus in Taurus; Mercury retrograde and stationing direct; New Moon with Uranus/Pluto/Mars. This week is calling us to continue to plan and re-evaluate our work in this world, along with our relationship to power. The New Moon on April 16th is quite powerful and calls us to dig into our own power, dig into the power structures of our lives and liberate ourselves from the fear and doubt that keep us from our true work in the world.


April 3 2018: Mercury Retrograde; Mars/Saturn conjunction; Venus lending a helping hand. Some thoughts on work and re-evaluating the nature of our work, connecting with deeper faculties of the mind to process and orient ourselves to the nature of our work. Under the weight of the pressure to create, we also visit the processes of decay and release. After this period of evaluation of the creative processes, rest and rejuvenation of the mind, we will be in a better position to get into the labor and work of the material realm.


March 27 2018: Venus/Uranus; Mars/Saturn; Full Moon in Libra; Mercury in the Heart of the Sun. There is a lot of work to be done currently, we are talking about responsibility in work, how to cope with feeling overloaded, aligning with personal authority and returning to the ancestors. This is a powerful time to purify the mind, and renew. A powerful time to change patterns and break into something new.


March 20 2018: Equinox; Aries Ingress; Mars in Capricorn; Mercury Retrograde. There is a lot of work to be done; we’re talking about the deep systemic changes we will be able to make in our lives over the next few years; and advice for this very challenging Mercury retrograde.



March 12 2018: Pisces New Moon, Mars moves into Capricorn. The first half of the show is about the watery energy of the Pisces New Moon, the story of Chiron, and healing, restoration, and cleansing. The second part is about the forceful dedication that the second half of March will require of us.



March 6th 2018: Jupiter Stations Retrograde in Scorpio; drawing power from the abyss, ruthless honesty, directing the passions.



February 26th 2018: Virgo Full Moon; Venus Mercury in Pisces; Sun Neptune in Pisces. Compassion, Illusion, and Channeling Spirit.



February 19th 2018: Pisces Stellium: Venus Neptune Mercury, supported by the Moon; Mars in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Scorpio



February 12 2018: Aquarius Solar Eclipse



February 5th 2018: In Between Eclipses; Moon Jupiter in Scorpio



January 30th 2018: Lunar Eclipse in Leo



January 22nd 2018: Mercury/Pluto conjunction, Mars enters Sagittarius, Eclipse Season 



January 15th 2018: Capricorn New Moon with Venus, Aquarius season begins



Jan 8 2018 – Venus Cazimi, Mercury leaves shadow/enters Capricorn, Preponderance of  planets in Scorpio and Capricorn.



Jan 2 2018 – Mars/Jupiter in Scorpio, Venus Cazimi in Capricorn



Dec 12 2017 – Saturn in Capricorn